On the back of the shirt/on the poster is the Newtown Public School District's Core Beliefs Cultivating Character Tree (see http://newtown.sandyhook.schooldesk.net/Students/NewtownCoreBeliefs/tabid/8066/Default.aspx).
On the front of the shirt, on the location of the shirt above the heart, is an outline of a heart (green printing) with "I Care." in green letters inside of the heart.The shade of green is as closely matched to the color of Sandy Hook Elementary as possible.
In response to the request to use the Cultivating Character Tree artwork, Judy Blanchard, District Health Coordinator for Newtown Public Schools wrote:
"I would like to give a bit of the history of Newtown's Character Tree. In 2009 Newtown went through a process to create a long term strategic plan in five areas. One of the areas is Character Development, and I am honored to lead that team. We canvassed the entire community to determine the character attributes that are valued in Newtown. We then had hours of discussion to narrow the list to key attributes that we felt were all inclusive. Finally, a vision came to us that the tree should be our symbol. The trunk is citizenship, the core of our society. The roots are perseverance, that which keeps us on course despite difficulty, and the branches are caring, trustworthiness, respect, and responsibility, growing ever onward and upward.
We would be honored to have you use our tree as a symbol of Newtown and Sandy Hook. Sandy Hook is a small village which is part of, and within, the Town of Newtown.
We do appreciate that all proceeds will go to Sandy Hook recovery in memory of the children, friends and colleagues that were taken from us."